Partner training experience
My contribution: organising and leading workshops, researching, creating wireframes and prototypes, conducting usability testing sessions, handling assets to developers.
Flatfair is a deposit alternative provider for renting a property. Instead of paying a traditional deposit worth 5-6 week's rent, with flatfair tenants pay a small, one-off check-in fee worth one week’s rent. After the tenancy is over, the landlord or agent has the possibility to submit charges against the tenants for any damages done during the tenancy. Most of the flatfair tenancies are currently managed by agents. To make sure that they sell our products correctly - all of the agents have to be trained before starting to offer flatfair products.
I was designing the flatfair training experience for our partners (agents). At the moment, agents have to book a face-to-face flatfair webinar in order to be trained. The rapid growth of partners made this approach very inefficient and unsustainable.
Increase the number of trained agents.
Decrease the amount of mistakes agents make when selling flatfair products. Make sure that agents know the answers of the most important questions regarding flatfair products.
Reduce the time from partner sign up to first flatfair plan creation.
Initial research & workshops
In order to create a new experience, we had to understand why is our current training experience not ideal for the agents and what we could do to improve that.
I reviewed our current training experience. At the moment, agents have to book a face-to-face flatfair webinar in order to be trained.
I organised the workshop with a well-rounded team. The goals of the workshop were:
Address the root cause(s) of pain points in today's training experience. I used the 5Y technique to get to the root causes.
Brainstorm the improvements that we could make to solve these causes.

3. I researched examples from the competitors and other companies that could be beneficial to this project.
Agents don't book webinars.
Not all agents attend the in-person training.
Agents are not aware of flatfair training.
Loads of information to remember.
Agents see more value in other day-to-day functions.
Quick staff turnover.
Not enough webinar slots.
Based on the above problems identified, I worked on addressing them by coming up with potential solutions:
Provide alternatives to webinars (video, written, etc.) to create a scalable and more efficient way to train the agents.
Create a database where agents could search for answers without having to remember everything. Update our help centre and add commonly asked questions, training videos, scripts on how to sell our products to the agent's homepage.
Add reviews, testimonials to show flatfair value.
Start sending sales reports straight away after signing the contract.
Test agent's knowledge by adding a quick quiz in the training flow before letting to sell our products.
Design process
User flows. I worked on listing the options of possible training material that we could incorporate in our flow. Then, I created state diagrams to make sure that all of the required steps are included. I gathered feedback from the product team and the main stakeholders.

a) New user flow
Basic wireframes. I quickly created some basic wireframes to establish the layout.
High fidelity mockups and prototypes. I started working on high fidelity mobile and desktop mockups to establish a visual hierarchy and layout for a new training experience. I incorporated testimonials and some additional facts about the company to communicate flatfair value. I added downloadable documents for agents to read or print after the training. Also, incorporated an educational quiz where instead of being "punished" for not getting the answer right, you could see the right answer straight away and be able to learn from your mistakes. After several feedback loops with the main stakeholders and product team, I iterated on my flow and created the final version to test with the users.

b) Full training desktop experience

I conducted 5 usability testing sessions with the account managers to learn if the user is able to understand how to finish the training flow.
The overall impression was very good. Users were able to complete the flow without any major struggles. They felt guided through the whole experience, said that the whole process is very straight forward. Few people mentioned that they liked having the quiz instead of a long document to read.
After working on improvements, I prepared all of the files for development and did a final presentation and estimation session with developers. I worked closely with them on developing and testing the new flow.
Outcome and learnings
We got some positive feedback from the agents that now they can start selling plans quicker. Our training process became more scalable and our training team efficiency increased since not all of the agents have to attend live webinars. Also, the agents are using the training videos and scripts that we added to their homepage. We plan to expand this database by including more training videos about specific parts of the user experience. We are still waiting for enough results to see how our quiz is performing. We currently see that most of the agents are not skipping the quiz and completing it with good results.
Key learnings
Collaboration is the key. I didn't stop collaborating with the members from different teams after facilitating the workshop and it created a great field for new insights and ideas not only valuable to this specific project but also to future projects.
Think big, then prioritise and descope. We started with thinking big and adding as many new ideas as possible during the workshop. It helped to make the creative juices flowing through the whole project. Some of these ideas had to be postponed and/or to be used as separate projects but it made the whole project very collaborative, entertaining and growth-focused.
User testing doesn't end after development. Design is a constant iteration of improving the experience for the user. We will get back to working on this experience once we have a valuable amount of data to start iterating.